Research area

Quantitative and Qualitative

  • Specialized Research managers in their area
  • Statistical analysis
  •  Project assistants
  •  Designers


Telephone interviews

Own field with national and international scope. 80 telephone interviewers. Sample frames: households in cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants.
Households by NSE AMAI in cities greater than 50,000 inhabitants.
Companies segmented by sector and size nationwide.


Own field with national and international scope

70 interviewers in AMCM/ 6 supervisors.
25 interviewers in Guadalajara/ 3 supervisors.
25 interviewers in Monterrey / 3 supervisors.
Human net: Mérida, Villahermosa, León, Puebla, andVeracruz.
Monthly training program for field staff for continuous improvement.


Our tools

CATI and WEBCATI Survey stations for telephone and online surveys. Advertising monitoring stations. Tablets and high-tech cell phones for field surveying. Real-time staff and survey tracking system (location and schedules). Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) sampling wall mapping. 100% digital audio recordings. Online surveys.


Data warehouse

Database programmers. Encoders and typists. Specialized programmers for specific projects. Technological intelligence.

“More than a service,
we have a passionate
attitude towards
market research.”
Contact Us


Rosa Estrella #52 Col. Molino de Rosas. Del Álvaro Obregón. México
Telephone number: 55 24 55 15 00

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