ABC of studies

Our task

What is it?

It helps to collect, explore, and present large amounts of data to discover underlying patterns and trends.

What for?

Statistical analysis is used for gathering of research interpretations, for elaborating statistical
modeling or for the design of surveys and studies. It is also used in business intelligence
organizations which work with large volumes of data.

For what?

While most of the companies are obsessed with increasing their score, NPS is not really a
quantifiable metric just for growing, but basically a qualitative metric to reflect, analyze and react to.


The most important thing here, is the “qualitative feedback gotten from it and what it is done with it to make sure that your customers’ experience is improving”. And its main goal should
always be to listen to the voice of your customers and act accordingly.


What are they?

The satisfaction survey allows you to meet the general satisfaction level of a product, or
service provided.

And for what?

Thanks to a satisfaction survey, you can obtain information to meet your customer’s
expectations and improve their engagement.

What will I know?

Thanks to segmentation, you will focus communication efforts merchandising and sales,
because a product or service cannot be offered to the whole market.


You will be able to optimize your time and resources and you will be positioned in the market faster creating suitable products and communication according to your market.


How does it work?

Pseudo-purchase or Monitoring service, consists in the visit of researchers to the point-of-sale
or points of contact, as if they were normal and potential customers who want to buy a product,
a service, or to get some advice.

In some cases, a real purchase is made. It is a Mystery Shopper, but with the modality that
visits and/or phone calls are recorded in video or audio, to be able of capturing every detail that may be present during the monitoring.
The shopper – researcher, records the whole process that follows with the video/audio tool,
during monitoring to the points of sale or points of contact.

The evaluation is carried out Online, through mobile devices, which allows you to have the
information in real time.

How does it work?

The tool for gathering information is the survey, which is a technique aimed for obtaining
primary information of a representative number of individuals in a population, to project its
results over the whole population.

What can this study bring me?

Public opinion studies are an excellent tool for collecting information, analysis and decision
making, that allow measuring the people’s preference in any field. Besides, it shows, explains, and analyses which is the relationship and the degree of relevance that comes out of them.

What is it?

They are all those points of contact that the customer has from knowing about the existence of
a brand, until he finally purchases the product or service (and even after the purchase).

Is it necessary?

It is imperative that the marketing department carries out tests of the customer’s touch point
travel before purchasing. This is the ideal way of detecting which touch points need to improve.


With a sensibility study and price elasticity, you will get as a result how sensitive the consumer
is to changes in the price of your product/service.

What does it bring?

It is essential that you know how sensitive your target audience is, to define an appropriate
price strategy and consequently obtain the highest possible profitability. Besides, you will know how to communicate with your consumers knowing how much they care or not about the price of the product/service you offer to them.


It is the environment where a person performs his work on a daily basis. The treatment that a
boss may have with his subordinates. The relationship between company staff and even the relation with suppliers and customers. All these elements are shaping what we call
Organizational Climate

What does it evaluate?

A good or bad Organizational Climate will have consequences in the organization, positively and negatively. Among the positive ones, we can name achievements, affiliation, power,
productivity, low turnover, satisfaction, adjustment, innovation, etc. Among the negative ones, we have inadaptation, high turnover, absenteeism, low innovation, low productivity, etc.

What is it?

It is a process by which we gather relevant information of your company, and we transform it into knowledge for decision making about your sales processes.

Do I need it?

Business decision makers can leverage business intelligence. You can respond to situations that may arise in the business, as cost analysis entry to new markets, profitability of a product
line, among others.

What is this?

It refers to the repeated purchase of a product or service as a result of the perceived value, the
trust and bonds generated between the customer and the company.


Analyzing brand loyalty and its behavior through time, allows products and services to be
characterized where this variable presents facilities and difficulties. A timely analysis of these elements may be a driving force of competitive advantages in the organizations.


To know what?

This test can be done before launching a product or right after the launching of it, from the first stage of the idea just until the prototype and the finished product. Product testing will help to determine the feasibility and acceptance of a product.

Is it important?

Of course! Although it may appear to be of great effort at the beginning, planning, and looking for market information in advance, will save you a lot of time and money in a long term.

Statistical Analysis

What is it?

It helps to collect, explore, and present large amounts of data to discover underlying patterns and trends.

What for?

Statistical analysis is used for gathering of research interpretations, for elaborating statistical
modeling or for the design of surveys and studies. It is also used in business intelligence
organizations which work with large volumes of data.

Net Promotor score (NPS)

For what?

While most of the companies are obsessed with increasing their score, NPS is not really a
quantifiable metric just for growing, but basically a qualitative metric to reflect, analyze and react to.


The most important thing here, is the “qualitative feedback gotten from it and what it is done with it to make sure that your customers’ experience is improving”. And its main goal should
always be to listen to the voice of your customers and act accordingly.


Customer Satisfaction Surveys

What are they?

The satisfaction survey allows you to meet the general satisfaction level of a product, or
service provided.

And for what?

Thanks to a satisfaction survey, you can obtain information to meet your customer’s
expectations and improve their engagement.

Market Segmentation

What will I know?

Thanks to segmentation, you will focus communication efforts merchandising and sales,
because a product or service cannot be offered to the whole market.


You will be able to optimize your time and resources and you will be positioned in the market faster creating suitable products and communication according to your market.


Monitoring service

How does it work?

Pseudo-purchase or Monitoring service, consists in the visit of researchers to the point-of-sale
or points of contact, as if they were normal and potential customers who want to buy a product,
a service, or to get some advice.

In some cases, a real purchase is made. It is a Mystery Shopper, but with the modality that
visits and/or phone calls are recorded in video or audio, to be able of capturing every detail that may be present during the monitoring.
The shopper – researcher, records the whole process that follows with the video/audio tool,
during monitoring to the points of sale or points of contact.

The evaluation is carried out Online, through mobile devices, which allows you to have the
information in real time.

Public Opinion

How does it work?

The tool for gathering information is the survey, which is a technique aimed for obtaining
primary information of a representative number of individuals in a population, to project its
results over the whole population.

What can this study bring me?

Public opinion studies are an excellent tool for collecting information, analysis and decision
making, that allow measuring the people’s preference in any field. Besides, it shows, explains, and analyses which is the relationship and the degree of relevance that comes out of them.

Touch Point Analysis

What is it?

They are all those points of contact that the customer has from knowing about the existence of
a brand, until he finally purchases the product or service (and even after the purchase).

Is it necessary?

It is imperative that the marketing department carries out tests of the customer’s touch point
travel before purchasing. This is the ideal way of detecting which touch points need to improve.

Elasticity and Sensibility of Prices


With a sensibility study and price elasticity, you will get as a result how sensitive the consumer
is to changes in the price of your product/service.

What does it bring?

It is essential that you know how sensitive your target audience is, to define an appropriate
price strategy and consequently obtain the highest possible profitability. Besides, you will know how to communicate with your consumers knowing how much they care or not about the price of the product/service you offer to them.

Organizational Climate


It is the environment where a person performs his work on a daily basis. The treatment that a
boss may have with his subordinates. The relationship between company staff and even the relation with suppliers and customers. All these elements are shaping what we call
Organizational Climate

What does it evaluate?

A good or bad Organizational Climate will have consequences in the organization, positively and negatively. Among the positive ones, we can name achievements, affiliation, power,
productivity, low turnover, satisfaction, adjustment, innovation, etc. Among the negative ones, we have inadaptation, high turnover, absenteeism, low innovation, low productivity, etc.

Business Intelligence

What is it?

It is a process by which we gather relevant information of your company, and we transform it into knowledge for decision making about your sales processes.

Do I need it?

Business decision makers can leverage business intelligence. You can respond to situations that may arise in the business, as cost analysis entry to new markets, profitability of a product
line, among others.

Brand Loyalty

What is this?

It refers to the repeated purchase of a product or service as a result of the perceived value, the
trust and bonds generated between the customer and the company.


Analyzing brand loyalty and its behavior through time, allows products and services to be
characterized where this variable presents facilities and difficulties. A timely analysis of these elements may be a driving force of competitive advantages in the organizations.


Product and Concept Testing

To know what?

This test can be done before launching a product or right after the launching of it, from the first stage of the idea just until the prototype and the finished product. Product testing will help to determine the feasibility and acceptance of a product.

Is it important?

Of course! Although it may appear to be of great effort at the beginning, planning, and looking for market information in advance, will save you a lot of time and money in a long term.

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we have a passionate
attitude towards
market research.”
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